Uncover critical information in advance of investments, 合作伙伴关系, disputes or employment offers

Our investigators provide corporate intelligence and insight in support of mergers, 收购, 合作伙伴关系, 执行招聘, 董事会任命, reputational profiling and market entry using the techniques below.

Corporate 尽职调查

Analysis of potential M+A targets or business partners (corporate entities and key individuals). Identify potential issues such as a history of litigation, 监管方面的担忧, 犯罪记录, significant customer and employee complaints, 破产, verification of assets and locations, claims by vendors and creditors or concerning social media activity.

High-Volume 尽职调查

定制的, scalable background investigations as well as research and verification solutions to complement in-house credentialing or acceptance processes. Designed for organizations with multiple key employees, contractors or members whose negative reputations and actions could significantly impact clients, 声誉或业绩.

Corporate Disputes, Takeover Bids + Proxy Fights

研究, due diligence and investigative support related to complex corporate disputes, 比如恶意收购, 代理的战斗, 民事诉讼, regulatory and government inquiries, and investigations into activist shareholders, 鼓动者和其他对手方. 包括背景调查, 资产位置, 媒体和社交媒体评论, field investigation and surveillance.

Executive Hires + Board Appointments

Intensive review of background information related to crucial appointments or hires. 调查范围包括.S. and global data sources related to litigation, 犯罪记录, 监管问题, international corruption and terrorism financing, 洗钱, 资产及相关业务, personal and professional background, media profile and social media activity.


Discreet interviews with former employers, 客户, 竞争对手, 供应商, 记者, 业内人士, colleagues or relatives to determine subject’s personal and professional background, reputation within the industry and political connections. Usually coupled with an extensive background investigation of the subject(s).

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